Leadenporch Farm, Oxfordshire

Leadenporch Farm, located in Oxfordshire, is a poultry farm focused on the mass production of eggs. Their 24-hour need for energy meant their grid demand was extremely high and their bills even higher. We were contacted with the hopes of proposing a solution that would reduce their business costs and reduce the farms impact on the environment. Working with Bavenhill, we designed and installed a solar and battery storage system that, of course, delivered! 

Project Overview

Due to their daily demand for electricity we needed to design a large system to ensure they were producing as much energy from solar as possible. Considering the farms location, there was an abundance of land. Therefore, we proposed a 514kWp ground mount solar array with a 388kWh containerised battery system. The goal was to maximise the lands potential by building an array big enough to capture large amounts of solar. 

This can then store energy for use during the night when the solar panels are no longer producing. Adding battery allowed the farm to maximise the use from the solar ensuring all the energy produced was utilised. Leadenporch were very clear they needed to reduce business costs, so our system was designed specifically to meet this goal.  

Leadenporch Farm Ground Mount Solar Array paired with battery storage

Project Objectives

After a period of communication between Leadenporch, Bavenhill and ourselves we knew what needed to be done. Immersa received two main objectives when designing this project.

The first, to reduce operational costs as much as possible. The second, reduce grid reliance with renewable energy to reduce environmental impact. 

Having worked on many projects alike, we knew exactly the kind of system we would propose.

We sent the proposal to the client with a thorough explanation of why we had chosen that system over others. Additionally, we included information detailing costs, payback periods, and examples of how to achieve both objectives.


Leadenporch Farm Containerised Battery Storage System

Design and Engineering

Based on the farm’s location, we knew we had a lot of land to play with. Our team of designers assessed the goals and designed a large solar array made up of over 1000 panels. The ground mount maximised the available space and was positioned to capture optimal light throughout the day. A containerised T100 battery storage system with a capacity of 388kWh was added to the solar array.

Our knowledge of the battery storage industry allows us to work closely with clients to offer bespoke systems. Each client we work with has unique needs, so we ensure every system we design is custom-fit to each project. Leadenporch was no exception; we meticulously designed and supplied the entire system.

Leadenporch Ground Mount Solar Array with Battery Storage


Given the project’s size, it required a team of our skilled installers. But, thanks to their extensive experience with large-scale jobs, they completed the solar installation in just four weeks. The project had no hiccups whatsoever and ran as smoothly as it possibly could. So much so, that we even had time to use the leftover materials for another spontaneous project. We decided to build a single table of 16 modules for the farmer to connect to his house instead of wasting the leftovers.  

The battery system we supplied was installed by Bavenhill. Having worked with them on various projects, we are confident in their knowledge of our systems. The output of the solar array was split between the containerised T100 battery storage system and traditional solar inverters. This is because the maximum DC capacity for a T100 is 220kWp therefore the system had to be split.

Leadenporch Battery Storage Container

In Summary

This four-week installation showcases our expertise and commitment to our customers goals. Working with Bavenhill we were able to achieve both Leadenporch’s financial and environmental objectives. The 514kWp solar array and 388kWh battery system is now reducing grid reliance and operational costs. 

If you are interested in finding out more on how Immersa can work with you on commercial projects,  please get in touch today. One of our experienced advisors will be in touch to discuss your requirements.


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