Case Studies

Providing confidence and solutions through our project expertise and management.

Across a number of sectors and technologies, we have partnered with many sectors to deliver energy solutions and sustainability. Below you can browse through some of these successful outcomes.


Leadenporch Farm Containerised Battery Storage System

Leadenporch Farm

We were contacted with the hopes of proposing a solution that would reduce their business costs and reduce the farms impact on the environment. Working with Bavenhill, we designed and installed a solar and battery storage system that, of course, delivered!

Ground Mount Solar P.V. Array at Webbs Garden Centre

Webbs Garden Centre

Webbs Garden Centre were conscious of their carbon footprint and wanted to do something about reducing it. Immersa worked with Bavenhill to install ground mount solar and over 1MW of battery storage.

The solar Roof on the dining hall at Wycliffe College

Wycliffe College, in Stroud

With multiple Solar Panel installations over five different roofs, Immersa has helped the College save money and reduce the environmental impact of the school.

Solar Panels on the Roof at Driveline

Driveline, St. Austell

The installation of such a large number of solar panels onto an asbestos roof creates a whole different set of challenges to contend with…


Clean, Affordable Home Energy Solutions

Sara-Jayne Phillips moved to the Littlecome estate in Dursley, aiming for a self-sufficient, renewable energy-powered home. Immersa’s Solar PV and Battery Storage resolved rising energy costs, assuring her energy security.


Enabling Sustainable Living: Solar PV and Battery Storage

Explore this Immersa home energy project, a compelling case study showcasing the transformation of residential properties into eco-conscious, future-proof homes. Discover how renewable energy and battery storage solutions enable sustainable living and reduce carbon footprints.


Stark Energy Management

Stark, a pioneering energy management company in the UK, demonstrates its commitment to environmental sustainability by reducing its carbon footprint and streamlining business operations.


Harnessing Solar Power and Energy Storage

A Sustainable Solution in Saul, Gloucestershire.
Discover how we delivered a seamless experience through the project’s renewable energy feasibility, solar energy and energy storage system options and technical details to provide long-term financial advantages.


Dursley Home Renewable Energy Solution

In the past 12 months, we have all experienced unprecedented increases in our home energy prices. Across the United Kingdom, homeowners are increasingly concerned about rising energy costs. Sue and Julian Peachey contacted Immersa energy advisers to discuss their three-bedroom property in Dursley.


The University of Sheffield

The University of Sheffield is at the forefront of research into maximising storage capabilities for electrical energy. Immersa was excited by their part in the latest research and development project to harness new renewable energy technology.


Halo Project Kilmarnock

Immersa supplied a containerised battery storage solution for Halo Scotland based in Kilmarnock. This innovative regeneration project will store renewable energy from rooftop solar PV.


To find the best solar panel and battery solutions for your home or business enquire now and one of our friendly advisers will be in touch shortly to arrange a no-obligation meeting.